Dr. Masud is currently working as an associateprofessor, department of Business Administration, Noakhali Science andTechnology University. Prior to the present position, Dr. Masud was apart-time lecturer at Inha Business School, and Sustainability Managementgraduate program, Inha University, South Korea. Mr. Masud has started hiscarrier as a lecturer at a leading private university in Bangladesh. Afterthat, he has joined his present university, a top public university inBangladesh as a lecturer. He has completed his PhD from the program inSustainability Management, Inha University, South Korea in the area ofSustainability Management. His PhD topic was corporate carbon emission ofglobal companies. He received the President award from InhaUniversity for his excellent research output. He also received the best GraduateStudent award from Inha University for publishing most scientificresearch in a year. He also enjoyed JungseokInternational Scholarship andSamsung Global Hope Scholarship. Mr. Masud has been working on sustainablemanagement issues including Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)strategy and reporting, Carbon pricing, Climate Finance, Anti-corruptiondisclosure, Media, and Political connection of business management. During the academic journey, Mr. Masud has joined and presented manynational and international seminars, workshops, and conferences. He also workedas chair/moderator at different international conferences. Dr.Masud also presented his research output as a keynote speaker atdifferent national and international seminars and conferences. He has publishedhis research on many international reputed and impact factors journals. Hehas been working on many international journals as a peer reviewer andeditorial board member. Currently, he is the reviewer board memberof Sustainability and managing editor of the AsianJournal of Sustainability and Social Responsibility journal. Mr. Masudis very active in peer review of top journals and presently serving more thantwenty journals as a regular reviewer. Mr. Masud has recognized, top onepercent reviewer in the world in the area of Environment and Ecologyby Publons (web of science). He is also a member of many professionalorganizations around the world. Mr. Masud is keenly interested in the empiricalfindings of Business Management connection on Politics in the South Asiancountries. He is mostly devoted to exploring corporations’ strategy on CSR andsustainable development issues in connection to organizational as well asfinancial performance.