Romeo Me?trovi?, Professor of Mathematics at the Maritime Faculty, University of Montenegro, was born in Split 1960, Croatia. He graduated B.Sc. in Mathematics (Department of Mathematics - Division Algebra and Analysis) in Zagreb, University of Zagreb, Croatia. Romeo Me?trovi? received his M.Sc. in Mathematics (Complex Analysis and Functional Analysis) in 1996 under the title: On some F-algebras of holomorphic functions and his Ph.D. in Mathematics (Complex Analysis and Functional Analysis) in 1999 under the title: Topological and F-algebras of holomorphic functions at Faculty of Science, Division Mathematical and Computational Sciences, University of Montenegro. As a member of high school team of the former state Yugoslavia, in 1979 he was awarded a third prize in the XXI International Mathematical Olympiad in London. Moreover, he was awarded two first place in Mathematical Olympiads of the former state Yugoslavia in 1978 and 1979. Working Experience
1988-1991, Maritime Faculty, University of Montenegro, Teaching Assistant. 1991-1999, Maritime Faculty, University of Montenegro, Teacher. 1999-2004, Maritime Faculty, University of Montenegro, Assistant Professor. 2001-2002, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Podgorica, part-time. 2005-2010, Maritime Faculty, University of Montenegro, Associate Professor. 2010- , Maritime Faculty, University of Montenegro, Full Professor.
Research Interests
His main research interests are related to Complex analysis of one variables and Functional analysis. This topics mainly concerned with the investigations of linear topological and functional structure of the Privalov spaces on the unit disk of the complex plane. By studying the linear space structure of these spases and their extensions, he obtained many interesting results with applications. In this topics, he published nine papers in rewieved mathematical journals. Furthermore, his additional research areas are related to Queuing theory and Operations researches in transport and traffic operations. Recently, Romeo Me?trovi? deals with Combinatorial number theory and Combinatorics. In particular, this concerned with variations of Wolstenholme’s type theorems, Lucas’ type congruences modulo a prime and related combinatorial congruences modulo prime powers. His papers have been published in many scientific journals as well as: Doklady Akademii Nauk (Russian), American Mathematical Monthly, Portugaliae Mathematica, Ars Combinatoria, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society etc. He was participated in many international and domestic conferences, symposiums, seminars and congresses related to the mentioned fields of research.