IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety (ISSN 2520-5439) is an international, multidisciplinary journal, which covers all aspects of mutually connected areas of Ergonomics and Safety. It involves various topics that relate to the interaction in systems, such are human - product, human - machine, human - computer, human - environment, and human - human. Papers from all areas of ergonomics and safety are welcome, for example, those that relate to the ergonomic design, assessment and hazard analysis of various systems, products, tools, equipment, traffic, services, workplaces, jobs, homes, and communities. The journal does not refer only to the tangent area of ergonomics and safety. Independent themes from both scientific fields are also acceptable.
IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety (ISSN 2520-5439) publishes (2 issues per year) original research papers, case studies, review papers and short communications. The publisher is International Engineering and Technology Institute. The length of the paper is not crucial, the accent is on the quality.
IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety (ISSN 2520-5439) is recommended by Federation of European Ergonomics Societies and Ergonomics Society of Serbia.